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Surftech Bark 12’6″ Competitor Review

Posted on December 2, 2011 - Filed Under Stand Up Paddling, Surftech Boards | By

Surftech – Bark 12’6 Competitor

What we thought -

An awesome piece of kit which feels like it’s rocket propelled. Definitely the fastest 12’6” board around at present, ideal for flat water racing or small-medium swell conditions for downwinders Paul Clarke -Surf Commission

 What Surftech  says -

JOE BARK teamed up with surf and pad­dle indus­try leader Surftech to pro­duce a line of boards con­structed uti­liz­ing their unrivalled Tuflite tech­nol­ogy– the ulti­mate in per­for­mance and dura­bil­ity. Joe’s designs, cou­pled with Surftech’s advanced com­pos­ite sand­wich fab­ri­ca­tion, yield boards that are not only light and durable, but are also proven performers. Joe’s 12’6 answer to the needs of Hawai­ians Slater trout, Can­dice Appleby and Aaron Napoleon when they were invited to race the Rain­bow San­dals Bat­tle of the Pad­dle. This spe­cial­ized com­pe­ti­tion board has quickly become a favourite of among pad­dlers for all cir­cum­stances train­ing and down­wind runs. The dis­place­ment entry into a plan­ing hull pro­vides the effi­ciency needed for sprint pad­dling in all wind and water conditions.


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